Saturday, December 26, 2009


The future is what you make it.
People tend to look at those who don't fix their eyes on the world around them as strange.
Maybe they're looking at the world the rest of us just can't see yet, and are deep in trying to figure out how to get the rest of us there.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009


As I've said a thousand times...
You can't give light to the sun. It was only made to give and never receive.
You should do the same.


The Act and the Reward

Well, well, well, doesn't it seem that there is some tension among the troops in this battle to conquer Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease?

Some people are only willing to fight if there is a guaranteed positive outcome for themselves. Unfortunately life has no guarantees. Everything is always half chance. All we can ever do is try.

It's sad to hear that some people are willing to fight only if they are rewarded. I know the reward being asked is not much. Sometimes it's just a simple beautiful "thank you". To me, that's a nice reward and more than anyone ever needs. But I think that when a person wants to be singled out and thanked above and beyond his peers, and above and beyond his fellow advocates, then this tells me that "to want" for the sake of yourself is a part of your character and you may never have taken part in the great effort if you would not be pulled aside and given a private "thanks".

I tell anyone who comes on my team that there are no rock stars here, and that people can check their ego at the door on the way in, or take it with them on the way out. I tell them if they want to be a hero, if they want big thank you, hugs, attention, fame, kind words of thanks, then they came here for the wrong reasons. I tell my team mates to never expect anything from anyone, anywhere. We aren't called the "Rock Stars", we're called "the Regulars". We have even gone so far as to create a set of 11 rules "the Regulars" must work under.

I tell them - you will never be paid to do this.
I tell them - you will actually have to pay for it yourselves in many ways; financially, physically, mentally, emotionally. A new person considering becoming one of "the Regulars" may ask "why we don't take advantage of these things by getting sponsors to cover our costs?" I say because this is your sacrifice. How do you expect others to sacrifice enough to make donations toward research on your behalf if you haven't paid your dues first.

If they have a hard time understanding that, or understanding the concept of doing something for the sake of good and not for thanks in any form - well then I tell them to imagine the top of a mountain they have been struggling to reach the summit of. They may have been climbing for days. They may have spent months preparing for the moment they reach the top. Their muscles burn. Their head aches. They are sick from fatigue or the altitude and find themselves throwing up on their own feet as they walk on. BUT, finally they get there and it's done....they made it to their goal. This is their summit.

I could tell them to look around them.
There is no welcoming committee.
There is no parade.
There are no banners flying with their names on them.
There is no hand shake or pat on the back.
There is no hug.
There is no one there to say thank you for doing this for the cause.
There's just you, the wind, the stone, the snow and the big silent world below you.

I could walk up to them there on the summit and ask "Why did you do this?"
"For the cause." they should say.
"Was it hard?"
"Yes, harder than anything I've ever done."
"What if it was harder, would you have done this?"
"Because doing what I can to conquer these diseases is too important not to try."
"Do you want anything in return?" I might ask.
There can only be one answer for anyone in "the Regulars", and it should always be the same. "Nothing other than the cures".

As I've said a thousand times... You can't give light to the sun. It was only made to give and never receive.

The moral behind this is that doing something good is both the "act" and the "reward".
There is no need for special attention or thank you's beyond that.

World up,

Sunday, December 13, 2009


When a man knows what he wants, the world has a way of stepping aside for him.

If he has bled enough for his cause, it just may let him have it.

When I say I was born to end this, I believe it has been generations in the making.

I am the Army of Change.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Senior Times Magazine

Here is a recent article about the Regulars in the Senior Times Magazine (Ohio) November 2009. It was written by Pam Spence and is also the very first article to mention the "10 Mountains 10 Years" movie!

Sorry for not having the link to post it sooner. I hope you like it!

World up,

Click the link:

Dr. Oz Show

I was invited by my good friend and fellow Alzheimer's Warrior Michelle Muir, to go down to the Dr. Oz Show. I thought it was a good show, and you're all going to find it pretty helpful.

I think he basically shot a week worth of segments, and I was there for the Alzheimer's segment. It was all last minute, I only heard about it the day before, but it was cool. There was plenty of time to go.

They had me in with about 20 people on the panel to discuss Alzheimer's in a town hall style meeting. The question format changed somewhat before we got there earlier in the day and lucky me (???) I didn't get a chance to say anything. There was definitely something I wanted to say but I think it would have taken the piece slightly off topic, so I guess it worked out better this way. I'll have to wait for another opportunity.

It was a great experience though, seeing how they organize the shows, move the people in and out, run the prompters, the lights, and the cameras. I have a load of respect for a good talk show host and his crew. They work under a lot of pressure. My hat is off to Dr. Oz and my own personal favorite host. . . Leeza.

It was also good to see my friends from the Alzheimer's Association (Hudson Valley Chapter) again. Also, I had a chance to see my friend Marilynn Garzione who is the author of "Released to the Angels" - a caregiver's journey. She had something great to say on the Dr. Oz Show. Check out here website and pick up her book when you can.

All in all it was an exciting experience.

Keep an eye out for the show on TV. You'll never recognize me, I cleaned up my act before I went down to the studio. Well actually I just blew my cover with that photo of me and Marilynn.

World up,

Monday, December 7, 2009

Anne Hathaway is now a beautiful part of The 10 Mountains 10 Years Film

Ciao Everyone,

I'm super pumped to be able to finally tell you the last big secret about the 10 Mountains 10 Years (movie). Well you already know Leeza Gibbons has done the introduction, and Bruce Springsteen has added music to the feature film documentary as well. But now the secret is out.
Anne Hathaway has done the narration for our film !

I know, I know, I know, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the thought of Anne Hathaway is doing this for the cause!!! To have three great believers join the cause in this quest to find the cures for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease is an amazing honor.
I can't wait for you all to have a chance to see it along with us in one of the film festivals!
If you haven't already joined the "10 Mountains, 10 Years (the movie)" page here on Facebook, definitely stop by and click join for updates. They will email you information on additional progress, film festivals, the official film trailer, and more.

Years ago I looked around me and saw an ocean of people and thought we have energy. I know I'm not alone in believing that together we can change the world. We are the army of change we've been looking for.
In the quest to conquer Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Disease, we were born to end this!

World up,
- the Regulars
(10 Mountains - 10 Years - A Quest for the Cure)
Check out the Back Light Productions website for all sorts of current details!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Who's really born with all the answers?

Today on my birthday I think about all life's mysteries, and how slowly the answers unfold.

I realize more and more that the things which matter most won't come to those who wait for them, and the certainly will never come to those who are not looking.

An answer is a reward for the dedication and daily search for an ounce of truth in a mountain of obscurity.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


What good is a man who doesn't try to make his world better?

We can't wait another day, week, month or year for the time to do what needs to be done.

Life is not always lived on a schedule convenient to us all.

"One Life" means the time to "do" is always now.


"10 Mountains 10 Years" Movie Update

It’s been four years since the Regulars began the “10 Mountains – 10 Years (A Quest for the Cure)” project. It’s been almost as long since the day Jennifer Yee joined our team and began working on her feature film documentary. But, at long last his past Saturday night “the Regulars” had the first look at the "10 Mountains 10 Years" (movie), and it’s fantastic.

I can’t wait for you all too finally see it!
This film will move you.

I’m absolutely confident that when you finally get a chance to see the official film trailer and then ultimately the movie you’ll come away from it believing that anything is possible. You'll walk out of the theater that day feeling like a giant and saying, “I can do this. I can make a difference. I can help find the cures too.”

In the quest to conquer Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease, we were born to end this!

As we say in “the Regulars” Together is ONE.

World up,

PS - Please keep an eye out for updates from the Facebook 10 Mountains 10 Years (the movie) group page. If you haven't already joined the group go ahead and join it. They’ll send you updates about the trailer release, the official production company website, the official movie poster and film festival locations & dates. Oh by the way, there is one more surprise in store for you which will be announced shortly.

PPS - I'd also like to make a big shout out to the production crew for the film - James Brevard, Brian Armstrong, Philip Giffin, and Ezio Lucido. They did such an outstanding job! Also my heart and gratitude go out to Leeza Gibbons and Bruce Springsteen for believeing in us and joining us along the way.